Sinama-English Dictionary

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The following dictionary is a work in progress of SIL Philippines.  It can be found in its original context here:

About the Central Sinama Language and its Dialects

Central Sinama is one of 9 languages belonging to the Sama-Bajaw family.  It is closely related to Sinama Banguingi and Southern Sinama.  There are many dialect groupings within the Central Sinama language.  Some of the more prominent dialect groups are: Sama Dilaut (known in the Philippines as the Badjao or as the Bajau Laut in Malaysia), Sama Siasi (Laminusa, Sibaud, Manubal, Musu’, Sama Silumpak), Sama Tabawan, and Sama Bintaulan.

A Work in Progress – You Might Be Able to Help

If you are a Sama who speaks one of the dialects of Central Sinama.  You may be able to help this work in progress in its preparation for publication.  Please see details at the bottom of the post.

Improving the Dictionary

If you are a native speaker of one of the various dialects of Central Sinama, you can help us by:
Suggesting Sinama words for inclusion in the dictionary (Click Here)
Reviewing words submitted by other users (Click Here)
Suggesting definitions for words that have multiple senses (meanings), (not yet available)
Suggesting example sentences for words (not yet available)

21 thoughts on “Sinama-English Dictionary

      1. Salam. I also speak very little of the language,Luke. I think what tuan Abu Kassim has written is ‘I wish to learn/study the Bajau language with [like] you. Is it alright with you, Kah?’ 🙂

  1. I have forgotten my Sinama and I want to learn again so this dictionary will be of great help for me. Magsukol to-od.

  2. Im speaking and know many kind of sinama, but Im little confiuse..too many varity sinama in your dictionary.. is this sinama tawi2?

  3. Mmyxckzsh, Halam giꞌ pdf dictionary. Mura-murahan ma sinosong aniyaꞌ.
    Raja, ya Sinama maitu, Sinama Siasi. Ahāp isab bang aniyaꞌ saga saddīꞌ dialect pasōd ma website itu, sogoꞌ Sinama Siasi ya kataꞌuwanku. Magsukul ma interest-bi kamemon.

    1. Salam tuan, bahasa tu bate saga bahasa siasi. Heka du sab kulang ta faham ku…apali aku pun ngaji du sab bahasa sinama..mag sukul tuan maka’a…saniak dictionary nu tu, heya tongan tabang ma aku. Aku sabannal na sinama du sab…sogo sinama ma malaysia tu bate saga heka na makalamud bahasa melayu…ai kabilahiayan ku..pure sinama ni hati ikku…hopely, we can cooperate on the future, i know, im a beginner on this thing, but i do just for real language…i dont want it disappear in this world…but i think better we make it one standard language for all bajau or sinama, ai mapikilan nu tuan…salam danakan nu min malaysia.

    1. Magsukul Nurshan. Bꞌnnal ka. Bay pihaꞌku 'ahagpay' ma dictionary si Sir Kemp Pallesen. Halam aniyaꞌ. Mastalku bay half-Sama/half-Tausug. Angkan aniyaꞌ ahagpay maitu. We are working on a way to make this dictionary more interactive so that it will be easier to edit. I still hope I can obtain permission to use the Pallesen dictionary online, because it is a much better starting point than this dictionary from my first month of language learning.

  4. ahibuk borrowed sinug subay original sama – ahidjul; akayog subay sama na ang'agkag; al'mmi should be interpreted as something you dislike e.g Angay al'mmi ka ma kinakan ko? means Why, you dislike my food? while al'mmis this means dirty; angastol original sama akagit;.

  5. Salamualykum…Alhamdulillah.. very thankful and proud aku makaam that u hve able to come up with this wonderful page.
    proud bangsa Sama

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