Teaching Resources for Sama & Badjao Classrooms

Since 2009 the Kauman Sama Online has been involved in resource development designed for classroom and community education programs.  Here are some of the resources we have developed/published that teachers will find useful for Sinama language instruction.

Sinama Keyboard

The Sinama Keyboard (4487 downloads )

Educational Posters:

Sinama Alphabet Banner (Download)
Sinama Alphabet Banner
Sinama Numbers Banner (Download)Sinama Numbers Banner

Sinama Alphabet Chart (1.5 x 2 ft)
Sama Dilaut Badjao Alphabet Educational PosterFull Size Download :
Sama Dilaut Dialect (Badjao)
Laminusa Dialect
Musu’ Dialect
Sinama Parts of the Body Chart (1.5 x 2 ft)
Pagdayaw Baran Educational Poster SinamaFull Size Download:
Sinama Parts of the Body Chart
Dapitu’ – Days of the Week Chart (A3)
Dapituꞌ - Sinama Educational ChartFull Size Download :
Sinama Days of the Week
Sinama Fruits & Vegetable Chart (A3)
Full Size Download:
Download Zip File (Sama Siasi & Sama Dilaut incl.)
Ginisan Walna’ – Sinama Colors Chart
Ginisan Walnaꞌ ma Sinama Educational ChartFull Size Download :
Sinama Color Chart
Ginisan Walna’ – Sinama Shapes Poster
Full Size Download :
Sinama Shapes Poster
Saga Kabtangan Pagaddat – Sinama Politeness Poster
Saga Kabtangan Pagaddat Educational PosterFull Size Download :
Sinama Politeness Poster
Manuk-Manuk Lahat - Birds of the Sulu Archipelago Educational Poster (4400 downloads ) Manuk-Manuk ma Lahat Poster

Sinama-English-Scientific Reef Fish Poster (5027 downloads )
Sinama-Engish-Scientific Reef Fish Names

Shark Educational Poster Ocean Background (5565 downloads )
Sinama Shark Educational Poster

Literacy Primers

Panganaran MagbassaPanganaran Magbassa Cover
DepEd Reading Primer from 1969 revised in 2011 to meet current orthography standards.
Student | Teacher
30 Lesson Sinama Reading Primer
30 Lesson Primer FeatDownload

 Educational Worksheets

handwriting-featSinama Handwriting Worksheets
Alphabet Flash Cards
Download Zip File

Children’s Songs


5 Issa, Duwa, T'llu (5135 downloads )
(Counting Song)
8 Angose' Tangan (5030 downloads )
(This is the way we wash our hands)
09 Amole' Amole' (4391 downloads )
(Paalam na)
10 Maingga Bokol (4494 downloads )
(Where is Thumbman)
14 Aku si Sili' (4412 downloads )
(I’m a Little Teapot)

Android Apps

Cover artLibrary Sinama App

55 Stories in the Sinama/Bajau language with 36 audio narrations of children’s books.

Cover art

Sinama Dictionary App

Central Sinama to English dictionary with over 13,000 Sinama word stems and 10,000 glossed English words.

Kalangan Onde’-Iskul

Collection of 8 educational songs/videos for Sama school children.
samaxxhdpi_launcherSinama Big Books Android App on Google Play

24 Sinama books for download at a small file size.*

* We recommend the Library Sama App if you have 50 mb space on your phone.

 Big Book Videos


kalbaw-feat Video Book Si Kalbaw maka Si Kallo' (4 downloads )
magsarang-sukul-feat Video Book Magsarang-Sukul Kita! (2 downloads )
duyung-feat Video Book Usulan Duyung (1 download )

Sinama Learning Materials (Complete Set) on Google Drive
(Pdf, jpg, mp4, mp3, and other useful teaching materials can be downloaded from our google drive share)

 Learning English – Filipino – Sinama

Languages of the Southern Gateway Videos
LOTSG Greetings & Leave Takings (0 downloads )
LOTSG Compliments and Courtesy (0 downloads )
LOTSG About a Person (0 downloads )